I Wanna meet once again if like that Dream
2022  06.25 — 06.17


SAI is pleased to present ‘I wanna meet once again if like that dream,’ a solo exhibition by AUTO MOAI, from Saturday June 25th  to Sunday July 17th 2022. The word ‘anonymous’ is a key phrase in the world of AUTO MOAI, a world inhabited by faceless people, that demonstrates their unique painting style that has captivated people around the world. AUTO MOAI’ s versatility as an artist is demonstrated not only through their artistic output but also through their contributions to the fashion and music scene. Working alongside brands such as Supreme, NEW ERA, SEIKO and Champion, they have attracted considerable attention from a global audience, and established themselves as one of Japan’ s leading young artists.
Since starting their career as an artist in 2015, AUTO MOAI’ s work has continued to evolve with each new presentation, with each of their works expressing a strong and deep pursuit of radical possibilities, focusing on the diverse aspects of pictorial expression.
AUTO MOAI has exhibited in a variety of spaces both in Japan and abroad, with each exhibition exploring di erent ideas and themes. For this exhibition, AUTO MOAI focuses on the concept of ‘Spirituality in Memory’ , by reflecting on their role as a painter and examining the process of painting, the object itself, and how it functions as a device that transcends time. Their thematic approach is a study of these painted objects and the emotions felt when looking at a painting from centuries past, as if accessing a world outside of one’ s own timeline and tracing back in time to distant memories. AUTO MOAI felt a close a nity with these emotions, and created their paintings as if they were performing a séance, superimposing the presence of these spirits onto the paintings, even if the memories were uncertain.
The dream referenced in the title ‘I wanna meet once again if like that dream’ shares a similar position to AUTO MOAI’ s concept of painting, and is equal to or equivalent to memory. These can be seen as an existence that crosses between the obscure and the obvious or as images that transcend logic, place and time. The works of AUTO MOAI invite the viewer to interpret painting in a new and unprecedented way, as a raw catalyst with an uninhibited sense of reality, whilst clad in an air of fantasy.
The exhibition will present all new works, transforming the space with their latest series of oil paintings, which have been the focus of their output in recent years. Visitors will be free to take their time to enjoy the works and immerse themselves in the unique environment. Please come and visit the compelling world of AUTO MOAI, which continues to develop and grow through their ever-changing practice.
There will be a series of three ‘In Conversation’ events taking place at the gallery throughout the duration of the exhibition. AUTO MOAI and a variety of guests invited by the artist, will be discussing their works and career as well as a number of other topics. The events are a rare opportunity to see the artist speak publicly for the first time, with numbers limited to 30 people per event. Places will be allocated on a first-come first-serve basis via the SAI website. In addition, AUTO MOAI’ s latest publication ‘Reminiscence’ , a collection of their latest works, will be available for purchase at the exhibition.

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